Lowes of Glace Bay, Nova Scotia Family Web Site
The Lowe section of this web site contains information about my mother, Jasmine Lowe's, side of the family who arrived in Canada shortly after World War I from Barbados, West Indies.
Joseph Lowe, my grandfather, came to Canada and settled in Glace Bay, Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia. He came by himself to work in the Nova Scotia coal mines and, after getting settled and saving enough money, he sent for his wife, Evelyn Maynard. At that time Joseph and Evelyn had one son, Courtney, who remained in Barbados and was raised by his Grandmother. 
Courtney passed away on January 3, 2001 in Barbados and is survived by his lovely wife, also named Evelyn, and a son, Victor Forde who lives in England. We have several other relatives still living in Barbados but unfortunately we have not gotten a chance to know them very well. This picture of Courtney Lowe, his wife Evelyn and me (Frank Sheffield Jr.), was taken during our first ever meeting in April, 1996. Courtney had a great sense of humor. In fact, the first time we met he ran right by me and threw his arms around my wife. Then, after fussing over her for several minutes, he turned to me, shook my hand and said, "It's nice to meet you too".
After settling in Canada, Joseph and Evelyn Lowe began having more children. Ruby (1922-1961), Arthur, Joyce, Vince, Jasmine, Iris (1934-1990) and Violet (1936-2018) were all born in Glace Bay, Nova Scotia but all moved away from Cape Breton in the 1950's. All of these children are/were married and most are now grandparents and/or great aunts and great uncles.
Since all of the girls married and assumed their husband's names, there are now many family names under the umbrella of Joseph and Evelyn Lowe. Davis, Reid, Sheffield, Trent, Wulckow and Lowe (no relation) are all family names that were introduced to the Lowe family through the marriages of Joseph and Evelyn's daughters. Many more family names have been introduced through the marriages of their daughters and so on.
Joe Lowe paid the ultimate price for ensuring we, his descendants, could lead a better life in North America. He died
in his 40's of
Tuberculosis (aka "Black Lung"). It was caused from breathing in coal dust in the coal mines of Glace Bay.
In order to ensure that we do not lose touch, those of us who are able to attend get together twice a year to celebrate our family and our common history. On the last Saturday in June we have a family picnic and on the last Saturday in November we have a family Christmas party.